Courtenay Little Theatre Society (CLT) operates as a non-profit charitable organization that is committed to providing a respectful, ethical, and safe environment in all locations where work is being conducted or performed.

CLT – Respectful Workplace Policy and Procedures – May 2023

Accordingly, all members of CLT are required to adhere to the following code of conduct at all times when participating in CLT events, meetings, and activities.

  • Be respectful towards others.
  • Treat property and facilities belonging to and/or used by CLT with care.
  • Attend to CLT duties on time as scheduled, and make every effort to notify the person in charge when unable to meet a scheduled commitment.
  • Exercise prudent precautions when conducting CLT activities to preserve personal safety and the safety of others.
  • Avoid exhibiting behaviour which could be reasonably construed as discrimination or harassment, and do not engage in activities which are illegal, improper, or in conflict with CLT’s interests.
  • Maintain privacy and confidentiality of any personal or CLT information acquired through participation in CLT activities.
  • Refrain from use of CLT assets and/or information for personal benefit or for the benefit of other persons or entities.
  • Respect all relevant environmental and legal regulations.
  • Report to the CLT board any observed or suspected violations of the code of conduct by another member.
  • Comply with the CLT policies on Drug and Alcohol Use and Respectful Safe Work Space. CLT has a zero tolerance policy prohibiting the use of drugs and alcohol during rehearsals and performances.
  • Refrain at all times, while participating in CLT functions, from the following:
    • harassing, disruptive or threatening behaviour,
    • physical violence towards another member or member of the public,
    • intoxication,
    • theft,
    • disclosure of private and/or confidential information (verbal or written) without permission, and
    • any behaviour that may pose a risk to the safety and reputation of CLT, and/or its members, contractors, volunteers and patrons.

January 2020

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