Effective August 1, 2023, yearly membership dues for Courtenay Little Theatre are:
$30.00 for an individual
$40.00 for a family
$10.00 for a student
Lifetime Membership Information
Membership entitles you to:
- notification and reminders of all our events
- the ability to participate in all of our productions
- Application for Education Fund Refund for CLT Members (PDF)
We welcome you all to our club. We provide excellent work and have a lot of fun.
Download Expense Sheet (PDF)
View and download our Membership Welcome Letter
Click here to download a printable membership form (PDF)
Please complete form and mail with payment to:
P.O. Box 3033
Courtenay, BC V9N 5N3
OR Payment can be made by e-Transfer (autodeposit) to
with the completed form emailed to Terry Penney at
To become a member or renew your current membership, please contact Terry Penney at
Space Booking Policy
- The board member responsible for booking will be known as the ‘Space Scheduler’.
- First priority to be given to major CLT productions.
- Second priority to be given to Event Night productions in the month of their presentation.
- Third priority to be given to Building Committee projects.
- Fourth priority to be given to short term use by CLT members on a case by case basis approved by the board.
- Fifth priority to be given to external users on a case by case basis approved by the board.
- Special or unusual requests will be considered by the board as required.