For over sixty years we have been presenting plays. What else?
Well, there are our Event Nights. These happen every couple of months or so and are often staged readings of a play, or part of a play. Event Nights are free entertainment for the community. They are usually held on the third Tuesday of the month, but whatever date it is, watch the community events listings or check our Facebook page. Then come to our rehearsal space at 2683 Moray Avenue behind the Driftwood Mall. All members of the public are welcome and remember, there is no charge. Event Nights are our gifts to you.
As a reasonably successful theatre company, we are glad to be able to help young people in the Comox Valley who want to consider theatre as their post-secondary field of study. Each year, CLT offers bursaries to up to three high school graduates entering theatre studies, or sometimes other disciplines in the arts. The money goes straight to the post-secondary institution where the student has enrolled, not into a teenaged pocket! Currently, we are delighted to say that each bursary is for $1000.00.
We are also in the lending business, but this time it is theatrical stuff, not money! We provide costumes, props, set pieces [furniture, decorations etc], to companies across the Valley and beyond, keeping careful records of what goes where and when and to whom, and when it was returned. Of course we also borrow and are very grateful to companies and individuals who have helped us out of many a jam!
We are fortunate to have numerous volunteers who are members of our committees. Some of them are action groups, such as the Costume Crew or the set builders. Others are groups who read plays, select plays, or publicize plays. We have an executive and board of directors. And there is always change. Whatever we are doing this year, may be changed next year – talk, decide, change and put on another play. The rhythm of our lives. Why don’t you join us? We always welcome more members.
Check out our extensive Props Inventory